Released on 8/8/2019
- Private Uploads: making individual media file secure or implementing an Intranet with all the media files secured.
- Visualizer (available upon request): a new plugin to create, manage and embed interactive charts and tables into your posts and pages.
- Courses (available upon request): a new plugin to display UConn’s course offerings from Student Administration System, with real-time enrollment and wait list space (if available) information.
- UC People
- a new Featured Image Caption field was added.
- a new checkbox was added to Dashboard>Tools>Import People to automatically assign user as the author of their own People page
- Accordions can now be used with Layout Builder Widgets for nested content.
- Private pages are flagged with “-Private” appended to the page titles on the Dashboard>Pages interface.
- All third party plugins have been updated to the latest version.