Block Editor

What’s New?

Pages, posts, and people now use the Block Editor for content creation. 

Also, pages no longer use templates, but you can use blocks instead. 

Blocks vs. Widgets 

  • Widgets have been replaced by Blocks in pages, posts, and people. 
  • Blocks provide more functionality and customization options than Widgets without requiring knowledge of HTML and CSS. 
  • Some common Block replacements: 
    • Post Loop → Recent Posts block 
    • Patterns 
    • Pages, posts, and people can also use patterns, or pre-designed reusable layouts that help structure content quickly. 
    • Patterns allow users to easily insert and customize sections of content or use consistent content sections on multiple pages. 

What’s the Same? 

  • The website header, footer, and menus are still managed similarly to the classic editor. 
  • If you import pages, posts or people from a site that uses the classic editor, they will retain classic editing capabilities.